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Image by Mark Tegethoff
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Moon Workshops

Radical Receptivity Moon Workshops


 Stop living the way of Exchange and start living the way of Receptivity


A lesson in Believing


24th November (8pm-10:30pm)

£25 - Free to Starlight Sanctuary Members







Kahreela Anhara has been guided to hold 13 channeled workshops on Receptivity.

Each of the workshops will be a deep dive into a key theme that can unlock greater receptivity within you. 


This month’s key theme is BELIEVING!


It has been guided that the descriptions of the workshops should be as spacious and simple as possible so that the lesson is completely guided by spirit.


The guides will use any combination of Channeled Teachings, Meditations, Transmissions, Light Chamber healings, Activations, and Amrita practices to help you learn to live the teachings.

It is all about living it! 

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Solar System


This is a journey of learning not to push, By using the energy that was pushing to receive through the chakric body softly

those called will become fluent in receptivity

Receiving is the key to Overflow, to Radiance, to Manifesting, to Living your Dreams…. It is the Action of Self Love.


Each of the 13 themes are Sacred States of being that when embodied unlock your natural receptivity. The practices in the workshops teach you to embody these states.


The teachings will spiral out through you during the moon cycle so that you live the experiences you need to truly understand these offerings.


These are learning by living it teachings! 


Each workshop is an individual workshop - some people will be called to do just one, others a few, and some of you the whole 13-moon adventure.


Because we are LOVING the Starlight Sanctuary, the workshop is included in the Starlight Sanctuary membership! You can find out more about the Sanctuary here.

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“Joy is the feeling of receiving to the point of overflow.

Radiance is receiving in two-way flow.

This is a channeled lesson in Joyful Radiance

To return you to wild receptivity

And awaken your glow.

Living your self-love and to becoming radically you!”


These workshops are overlighted by the Starlight Councils of the Light, supported by Goddess Anu, Goddess Laxshmi, Goode’s luna and the Lemuria-Aquaria Lineage.




​​​Book to secure your place

Each of these workshops can be done as an individual workshop for an energy exchange of £25.

Book Radical Receptivity Workshop (November 24th)




So much Love and Awakening to you all 



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