the starlight Temple
'Spirituality for me began as a search for happiness. In my late teens, I realized that I didn't know how to be happy. I started to read self-help books which eventually lead to spiritual workshops. Meeting people who could channel spirit guides inspired me to learn how to channel and life was never the same again! Channeling is the Divine Conversation that we have with life and that is where I found my happiness. I have worked with people and lands all over the world, flowing the flow of my own Divine conversation to be of Service to Humanity at this time of immense change and transformation. All of Starlight's Offerings are about bringing magic to life. The root word of magic is the same as the root word of power is means to be able or to be capable. The Tools, Guidance Ceremonies, and Processes that Starlight Temple offers are all ways that have helped me become more capable and live more magically.
Living magically to me is all about living in connection. We were all born to be in connection -with ourselves, with the Earth, with the Cosmos, and with each other.

Through channeling practices, shadow healing, ceremony, tantra and land work we can all come back into connection and in doing so live more of our potential, fulfill our paths, and experience the happiness of belonging. For me, spirituality is all about learning to Live it, learning how to become the change we want to see in the world. There are many tools and it is all about finding the ones that resonate with you.
Kahreela x

The four pillars of Starlight Temple are Channeling and Connection, Ceremony and the Temples Ways, Shadow work and Temple Alchemy, Ceremony and Earth work, Journeys and Portals.
All of my offerings and energetic work happen through The Starlight Temple, be it online, in person or on the land. The Starlight Temple is the name of my path, which I have always sensed is an energetic Dragon – an alchemical Dragon, made of ancient wisdom and the magic of many guides, goddesses, spirits and star ones.
The Starlight Dragon carries magic into the Temple and into the world, creating change, direction, flow and Alchemical change wherever it is called to fly.
This Dragon is ancient memory that is invites you to walk and live the old ways. This Dragon is a fierce guardian of Gaia and those who serve her by healing themselves and their shadows. This Dragon is magnetic and will call you to ride through the dimensions until you understand yourself more deeply.
The Starlight Temple is all about connection; connection to self, life, the universe and spirit. Our path is about learning to connect, channel and live the divine conversation.
Starlight’s workshops, courses, one to ones, ceremonies and journeys are all dedicated to helping people find empowerment in their lives and as they walk their spiritual paths.
We believe that spirituality is something you experience, that every person's truth is unique and that everyone's truth makes up the whole truth of the Universe. The events that we do are about holding space for people to have an experience of their truth, ultimately our work is about love - ways and tools of learning to Love the Earth, Life, Each other and our own self more. Starlight Temple is a space overflowing with ways of doing spirituality that can be incorporated into your everyday life, so that your path, your truth and love can be lived more fully!

I am the Founder of the Starlight Temple which began in 2012.
My path of Healing, Shadow work, Alchemy and Channeling began in my late teens, I was looking for ways to help myself because I was so depressed. In my early 20s, after getting into meditation and self-work I saw energy for the first time I became an Energy Healer. I have worked as a Healer for over 10 years and in 2011 I started Channeling, I also explored many different techniques including Shadow work and Alchemy. These practices supported my empowerment, ability to manifest and my journey of becoming happy. In 2012 I began to space hold for groups, my intention as a space holder was and still is to empower those I hold space for, to hold them and see them without judging them so that they can love, heal and raise themselves out of the wounds of the past. From that intention, my path evolved into something that was deeply transformational as I began to implement Shadow work and Alchemy Healing into my work. My evolving practice as a Channel allowed me the confidence to start coaching Channeling in order to help each of the people I work with to develop their unique connection because connection and Channeling have made my life so full, happy and magical. Magic the word that fills my heart with joy, I love the magic of synchronicity, alignment, the magic of tribe and deep self-communion that create such profound change in people’s lives. I love my path, I love the people I hold space for and I love the guides, experiencing Alchemy, the release in Shadow Work and the and healing energies I channel.

Hallo, I am Gina-Louise... an intuitive energy reader, a psychic channel, healer, mother of two, poet and singer. I read anything: oracle cards, tarot, photos, houses and people energetically.
I love facilitating learning and transformative growth of any kind and am proud to continue to grow and learn as I hold space on Starlight Temple online courses and run the Make your Home a Temple with Gina course.
I channel higher energies and sound frequencies in service to the universe as a bridge between darkness and luminosity. I am an open and intuitive card reader and through the Starlight Temple learning process, I provide an energetic house clearing service.
I am a Reiki Master, eighth in lineage from Mikao Usui thanks to the wonderful mentorship I received from my Reiki Master, counselor, psychologist, and hypnotherapist Lilian Donleavy. It was then in my 20s that I started reading Jane Robert's 'Seth Speaks' materials and became fascinated by channeling. Channeling has now grown into daily practice.
I am a poet. I sing and co-run a choir. I also work with special needs children and am a mother of two beautiful boys. I love facilitating learning and transformative growth of any kind and am proud to continue to grow and learn as I hold space on Starlight Temple online courses.

I’m Rosie and I’m an energy worker, massage therapist and yoga teacher.
I’m happy with pronouns she/her or they/them. My spiritual journey has lead me through studying and coaching the mechanics of manifesting, to experiencing deep ceremony and channelling with Starlight, to learning the practice of presence through trauma - all engaging with bodywork which is one of my biggest loves and part of all work I do. I love the place where spirituality, science, psychology and politics intersect and create new realities.
I first came to Starlight in 2017 through fire ceremonies, journeys to Ibiza, Malta & Crete, and courses. I resonate strongly with the Priesti energy and love to work with others who experience the wounds of that energy in themselves.

Hello, I’m Claire. I’m glad you’ve made your way here. I’m a channel, a mindfulness facilitator, a space-holder, an intuitive, an empath…a wounded healer. I've been involved in healing in one guise or another my whole life - be that as a psych nurse working in forensics and addiction, or as a carer in nursing homes, or the ever-ready listener to a friend or stranger on the bus. I believe healing is my soul purpose - having spent many years helping others, a few twists of fate and poor life choices led me down the path of ill health, knowing the efficacy of western medicine, and knowing myself I sought alternative ways to heal my countless open wounds - both visible & invisible, affecting every layer of my being. I’ve spent numerous years on the self-discovery and self-improvement path learning, receiving, practising & teaching many spiritual and esoteric healing modalities.
My self-discovery and healing journey has been propelled & supported by Starlight, helping me discover my inner realms & enabling me to cast light upon my shadow self. Each course, workshop, webinar has opened me up more & more to the wonders of being & the universe - it’s been quite a ride, bumpy at times but always worth it. I adore holding space for Starlight and walking beside folk as they travel through their own journeys of transformation. I believe that healing is a continuous journey, not a destination. One of the healing wounds we can see and some we can’t. One that shows us our personal wounds over & over until all that is left is faint scar tissue. Wounds of our own, of the collective & those of our ancestors. From this lifetime and from all the lifetimes we’ve experienced. I’m not yet whole, but I’m working my way there and loving the fascinating recovery journey. With so much Gratitude to Starlight for helping me with it in countless ways.

Who am I?
I don’t really know yet.
Let’s talk about you first.
If you believe you aren’t a healer, if you believe you can’t channel, if you believe you are unloveable, if you believe you are disconnected, if you have your walls up, if you feel you can't receive, and if you feel you cannot ground, I understand you.
I was you.
After five years of shadow work to uncover my wounds and programmes, I finally grounded. I finally accepted my Priesti essence and am happy in both feminine and masculine energies - individually or combined. And, then, I got comfortable with channeling. That's when the magic really started. I began to channel my wounds which then accelerated my growth. It also helped me to take responsibility for everything that I had become.
As layers were revealed, and wounds were acknowledged and released, more gifts have been uncovered. I now channel unconditional love as healing for others, and I trigger people with my words. I'm the person you speak to when you need to either feel a resonance with something or want to know what you cannot face. As my wounds have been released or understood, I have "unbecome" who I was and am more spacious and freer to just be whoever I want to be from moment to moment.
My role as a Space Holder and a Channeler is to get you to look in the mirror via your interactions with other people and to ask awkward questions that your friends and family may not. And, I’ll ask you to face whether you truly love yourself or even actually know what love is. If you don’t, I want to help you to get there because your life will be so epically different when you connect to divine love.

Hi, I am June. I am one of the space holders for Starlight Temple.
I am an intuitive, channel, I do channel oracle card readings. I have also trained in Reflexology, Aromatherapy, Reiki, Bars and level 2 in Bach remedies.
I am married we have two adult daughters and two beautiful granddaughters. I have always been very intuitive and I read people’s energy which has helped me throughout my life. I tried channeling years ago when I sat in circle with the Belfast spiritual church but my confidence wasn’t great and I left.
I found Starlight Temple about 4 years ago and I have trained with them since I have changed so much in my self and my confidence has grown in all areas of my life. I absolutely love channeling now and it is such a privilege to be able to help others like me who have natural gifts but just can’t quite tap into them fully through the help of Starlight Temple courses.

Livin’ my life like it’s golden.
I’m taking my own freedom, putting it in my song. Singing loud and strong,
Grooving all day long, I’m taking my freedom, putting it in my stroll. I’ll be high steppin’ you, letting the joy unfold.
Thanks for being here. I’m Sarah and I love being part of the Starlight Tribe. Starlight has given me the trust and belief to live in the words of the Jill Scott anthem above. My purpose is to inspire others to live authentically with a sense of gratitude with love and abundance.
I am an intuitive healer, channel, Alchemy House clearer and wellbeing coach. My passion to help others grow and develop has been with me from a young age and became my career. However, the stress of working in a corporate environment and not feeling free to be me resulted in a serious illness. Following this, I discovered Starlight through my amazing homeopath and fellow goddess of Mu. Since doing Starlight’s transformational courses I am committed to deepening people’s awareness to live their own lives to their fullest potential.
I love being out in nature, dancing, drumming and chanting round fires. Really looking forward to sharing Starlight’s sanctuary with you and serving for the collective to build a 5D community for the future.