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Join our live  courses and embark on transformational journies surrounded by a supportive community of like-minded individuals.


Our courses offer a safe and sacred space for you to explore and share your experiences with others. You'll be allocated a Space Holder who will tune into your energy and journey, offering regular channeled feedback and support to help you achieve your goals.


Our Space Holders are experienced Channels who have completed our Channeling Course and are dedicated to helping you work through any blocks that come up.


By sharing openly in Tribe, we give ourselves permission to dig deeper, look harder, and find the courage to ask for more. Together, we become champions of each other's empowerment, celebrating and supporting each other every step of the way.


Join us on this journey to self-discovery and transformation today!

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Support included in our LIVE Courses*:


  • A sacred sharing Temple space to process your journey and be witnessed

  • Multiple Space Holders providing one to one guidance and support

  • Live Webinars

  • Live community time with Kahreela where you can ask questions and receive guidance

  • Emails detailing the course activities & meditations for the day

  • Energetic holding from Kahreela Anhara

  • One to Ones with Kahreela Anhara

  • Incredible overlighting Guides

  • A full integration process 


*All live courses have at least 4 of the Support Services, sometimes more or all of them are included depending on the theme of the course and what is guided as being best for the process.





"I stumbled across Starlight Temple nearly a year ago and at first I was on the fence about joining one of the courses. Deep down I knew that this would require much more of me. Typically I would fall in love with the marketing of a course and put all my hope on that course resolving my issues in life. I would be excited to start and within a few weeks I would come up with various excuses as to why I couldn't put in the 'work'. And eventually I would drop off completely and jump on the next course. At Starlight this simply doesn't exist. The loving, caring but also frank support you get will nudge you along the journey AND the feedback will show you that it is worth to put the effort in. Kahreela and the spaceholders hit the nail on the head when giving you suggestions about what is happening inside of you. And as a result I have never had such an honest, unjudged look on my personal shadows and beliefs and I have been able to accept the whole of me - with the beautiful support of Starlight. I am no longer chasing workshops, webinars or the next best 'solution' to my problems. I am simply falling in love with myself again and it is Starlight who held the mirror up in the first place!"



"To all who are considering a course with starlight, take the journey. It is the best investment you can make for yourself. My experience of the deep healing that starlight offers whilst completely supporting and protecting you is beyond anything I have experienced before. Kahreela and her team of channels work tirelessly to provide a space enabling you delve deep into the unseen truths of habitual and long running subconscious belief systems."







The moment the Ibiza Atlantis Rising Journey was posted I knew it had my name on it and this journey would be different.  From the variety of stunning and unique locations chosen for their magnetic energy by Starlight to hold ceremony, to the delicious filling breakfasts and excellent logistical coordination to - most importantly - the calibre and type of healing work we did, boy did this trip not disappoint! It involved deep transformational personal, group and collective consciousness work.
I’m not going to lie, there were some challenging moments, but this was shadow work. They allowed me the ‘opportunity’ to address deep dormant undercurrents in order to let them go, yet throughout the whole trip, I felt incredibly supported by Starlight. Now back in London I feel shifted - with mental and emotional space, a happy confidence and balance from my core. If you are called to booking a Starlight Journey, do it!! You won’t look back...

Elsita - 2018

Channeling - Ceremony - Tribe - Alchemy- Journeys - Shadow work

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