A Course in Channeling and Connection
Evolve, Expand and Explore​​​​​​​
Full price (both courses)
Course repeaters (both courses)
A Course in Connection full price (single course)
Course repeaters (single course)
Payment plans are available.
Over £100 discount for Life-force Café members. ​
The Starlight Temple is delighted to be holding its notorious and reputable annual ONLINE COURSE in channeling and connection.
This year it will run slightly differently and will be split into two separate courses.
This is a wonderful opportunity to develop and enhance your intuition and spiritual journey, to learn to channel your higher-self, nature, and spirit guides, and raise your vibration. Due to the thorough nature of this course, it is also a fantastic gateway to becoming a professional channel or teacher. It is a journey of opening to your gifts of connection, instinct, awareness, and channeling and can really advance you, whether you are an absolute beginner or an experienced channel.
'When Starlight announced the Course in Channeling and Connection 2021, I knew immediately that I wanted to be on it. I had no Channeling experience, though it turned out I had actually been tapping into Channeling throughout my life. The course content was varied and interesting, and the support from the Spaceholders was simply amazing. It was fun, joyous, empowering, and enlightening. Yes, there were times when I cried, got frustrated, or felt like I couldn’t do it. But the Spaceholders gently guided me, and out of those intense times came some of the best Channeling experiences on the Course. It has really shown me how much I can achieve with unconditional love and guidance. It is the best thing I have ever done for myself. If you are drawn to this Course, my advice would be to take a leap of faith, and do it'.
Melanie 2021​​​​
Channeling is a hugely powerful foundation for living a life of flow and using your gifts of connection in your life and work. It gives you the freedom of knowing what is right for you in every area of your life and learning how to truly live the divine conversation of your path. This is also an ideal course for anyone wanting to use or introduce channeling into their spiritual work and/or become a professional channel, healer, or teacher themselves.
'Starlight offers the most honest internal healing and growth. I took the leap, I trusted, I invested in what has turned out to be the best investment I have ever made both for my future and my children’s the healing goes beyond myself and into the next generation. Truly, immeasurably thankful!'
Lara, course participant 2020
Starlight has been running this course for 9 years and from these years of experience and growth, we have fine-tuned what we feel to be the best channeling course available.
So come and join us for our biggest and best course yet!
What's Included in Our Course:

This year we are holding a Course in Connection and a Course in Channeling as two separate containers.
Given the many years of witnessing the importance of the Course in Connection as the foundation for all forms of advanced channeling, it is only possible to do the Course in Channeling if you attend the Course in Connection this year. During both courses we will explore very deeply different aspects of connection and channeling. Each week we spend time focusing on one theme; by immersing ourselves in it, we awaken the unique gift of channeling within ourselves.
A course in connection:
October 29th - December 17th 2024
PREPARATION - Learn to master the breath and meditation practices that prepare your energy for channeling and bring you into centre.
HEART - Learn to listen to the infinite passions of your heart - which is the key that unlocks YOUR connection to everything. The more you follow your heart the more the Universe can and will speak to you….you begin to live more synchronistically - which is mind-blowing, magical and filled with miracles and the perfect foundation on which to build your channeling knowledge and experience.
HIGHER-SELF - This week we learn to listen to the infinite love of our higher self and consciousness. Working with the Angelic Consciousness (higher-self) and the Animal Consciousness (instinct) we learn knowingness, deepen the trust and respect we have for ourselves and become Master decision-makers.
ENERGY- Learn to listen to the infinite expressions of energy. Exploring the 5 senses of the third eye, discover your first energetic language. Learn to experience auras, read energy and work vibrationally. Energy is everywhere and everything.
CATCH UP - A joyful opportunity to catch up on the foundation exercises you missed or feel the urge to repeat. Learning the discipline of repeating is how you build up strength and health in your energy body.
SPIRIT GUIDES - Learn to listen to the infinite wisdom of your spirit guides. Spirit guides are friends with benefits (beyond your dimension benefits). Not only are they ever so joyful, funny and uplifting, but they impart wisdom from a bigger-picture understanding. They teach you, guide you, hold space for you, send healing to you-they will always answer you. Your spirit guides share wisdom from kingdoms, worlds and lifetimes - it’s amazing.
RELATIONSHIP - This week is an integration of your gifts of connection through the development of greater relationship and practicing in celebration!
A course in channeling:
January 7th - February 18th 2025
FOUNDATION - The foundation is how you develop your gifts. This week we will be revisiting the foundation in order to up-level and unlock the gift of direct voice channeling.
FLOW - Awakening into the future of channeling. This session is about helping you find your own unique dance of your gifts of connection. By opening up to flow we open up the gift of dimensional channeling which is the 5th dimensional way of channeling. It teaches you to spiral through the dimensions and meet your guides in other worlds. This week focuses on how to be in empowered flow, so you learn to use spiritual discernment of which technique to use when.
SELF AND SERVICE - This week is about developing your own practice that will carry you beyond this course. Your own guides will teach you how to evolve your gifts of channeling and connection as you develop your trust in yourself and open up how channel can be used in service .
SHARED PRACTICE - Ultimately our gifts are for giving! This week we will be focusing on channeling for other people, exploring channeling as service - whatever your path is. It is all about practising empowerment, vulnerability and mastery when sharing your gift of connection with others.
LIFE FORCE - Channeling is HIGH energy. This week you will be learning how to sustain and maintain the Super-Fuel of connection: your life-force energy. Learn to care for charge and ride your life force energy to unlock more of your gifts, and discover energy management mastery so that you don’t burn out!
EMBODIMENT - This week is about becoming a channel. It is about allowing that which you have unlocked on the course to blossom and flourish into the future.
INTEGRATION - By the integration stage of the course, you and your guides will be developing the best ways for you to practice and continue to develop you polish your beautiful gifts and rest inside the field. ​​​

Puja, course participant 2020
The Starlight courses are so well designed and supported. Having done other Starlight courses over the past year, I have been constantly amazed that I am able to complete them as I have struggled with other online courses; this is a testament to the support (starlight) offer…
Channeling and Connection are mastered through practice...
Every day you will receive an email from us every day for the duration of the course- these emails will contain, in-depth channeled meditations, activations, guidance, and personal ceremonies. These give you an opportunity to practice the connection theme of the week.
You will receive these every day that does not mean you have to complete them there and then, we understand life is busy and some days it is just not possible but we try and keep things manageable and straightforward and we do encourage you to try and keep up with the general momentum of the course. We also have a day off every week in which you can use this time to integrate all that you have learned and have essential processing time with the journey.
Generally, the home practice plays are short enough to do in your lunch break or as you go about your day. If there is a longer practice it tends to be sent out on the weekend.
Private Temple Space
We have a private online group for all members of the course, here you can share your thoughts, process, channellings and anything else you might want to share regarding the course. The Starlight Spaceholders will offer daily one to one channeled support in this group too- this space is a really great way of building confidence with your channeling as well, it is a safe supportive environment and a major asset to the learning process.
Online webinar
Every week there will be online webinar being held live (and recorded) with in-depth teachings about the theme of the week and many channelled meditations, activations and guidance, a chance to ask questions and more.
Weekly Live Q&A Community
Each week there will be a live and recorded Q and A with Kahreela and Her Guides where you will receive guidance and support on anything that you need help with from the theme of the week. These are optional and have a ’tea with tribe’ vibe so that we can also connect as a community - magic happens in circle !
Personal one to one time and support from Kahreela
For those doing the first time option, you will get 1 hour one to one time with Kahreela. This will be split into 15 minute slots, two of which are at fixed times during energy and Channeling week and two of which are floating for to choose when extra need support is needed.
*Over the years there has been so much guidance and living experience of the power of repeating the art of channeling and connection and going over exercises and really deepening and expanding your mind and soul into this process. This is the exact process that Kahreela uses to develop and improve her channeling each Year. Returning to the foundation is the best way to deepen and develop your connection and over the years we have had participants returning to do this course and be held, again in this magical and transformational space- this year we would like to offer anyone feeling called to repeat a discount on the course:
Please note this does not include the one to one time with Kahreela
We do not feel you need that extra support and the Q&A are enough, but if you want to book as a first-timer you can
For the duration of this journey, you are held in the energy and protection of the guides, Kahreela herself, and all the space-holders. It is a truly magical life-changing awakening adventure with yourself, life, spirit, and your path. The course is suitable for anyone looking to establish or enhance their connection whether it be for personal reasons or for professional ones.
Melanie, course participant 2021
'When Starlight announced the Course in Channeling and Connection 2021, I knew immediately that I wanted to be on it. I had no Channeling experience, though it turned out I had actually been tapping into Channeling throughout my life.
The course content was varied and interesting, and the support from the Spaceholders was simply amazing. It was fun, joyous, empowering and enlightening. Yes, there were times when I cried, got frustrated, or felt like I couldn’t do it. But the Spaceholders gently guided me, and out of those intense times came some of the best Channeling experiences on the course.
Course participant 2021
'I am so grateful to starlight temple and Kahreela for this beautiful course! Kahreela shares so much wisdom, insight and magic… love. I felt very held by the group and really allowed the space and practices to connect to my heart, higher self and guides. I want to thank you from deep within my heart for a joyous experience. I have so many magical practices and tools to play with to feel connected and free!'
Bansree, course participant 2021
'Thank you for this beautiful, beautiful course and amazing journey. I have just finished the final integration meditation and feel equally emotional and full of anticipation and wonder! What would I do without Starlight? You have been instrumental in my life in the last 18 months for healing and seeing my potential. Thanks again from the bottom of my integrating heart.'
Course participant 2020
The channeling course is one of the best investments I made as it has opened up a whole new world to me- from channeling angels, faeries, crystals, seeing prana to dream channeling, channeling one’s body, heart and higher self. More importantly, it has gifted me with numerous tools to navigate through regular life including an invaluable daily practice to protect and nourish my aura.
So much Love and Awakening to you all