For information about how the courses are held click courses
Staying High Vibrational and Happy is time consuming, right?
Think of all the yoga, meditation, manifesting and affirming you do.
Walking my path, I meet so many people who dedicate so much time to keeping their vibration high and creating inner states of well-being.
At the end of the day, even if you spend 2-3 hours doing self-care vibration-raising practises a day, there are still 21-22 hours of having to tend to the other sides of life.
Ultimately we sleep, eat, love, rest and these days work in the energy of our own home.
If the home is healthy, it will do 24-7-365 all-the-time wonders for your vibration, well-being and manifesting.
The key to healthy energy in the home is similar to the energy body. Your home has portals that work like chakras, allowing energy to flow through your home. If these portals are unhealthy then the energy of your home is going to be stagnant and stale.
Want to know how the energy of your home is?
Here is a free Home Energy Scan you can listen to:
Want to know more?
check out the Make Your Home a Temple Course in Home Energy Clearing
When the portals in your home are working properly then you get to sleep, eat, love and work in energies that healthy and this is LIFE-CHANGING for your vibration and everything that connects your home with life.
Being in a cleared home feels like being in nature, it is calm and energising.
But for me personally, the best bit about living in a cleared home is that your home portals assist you, they help your energy to get cleared after a deep healing, they bless you with energies that make manifesting more powerful. They essentially keep you and everything in your home in a protected higher vibration.
I am so passionate about sharing this channeled knowledge because it has and continues to serve my life and path in abundance.
The Make your Home a Temple process is truly fascinating to me, every home is so different and every energetic story is so unique. One home that truly blew my mind was Mandy’s last year; Check out her Tree of Life Portal home story here:
A couple of times a year I share this unique-to-Starlight process for healing the energy in your home.
The Make Your Home a Temple course is live on the 15th of February
Due to the one-to-one support on this course, there are limited places available so please book early to secure your place.
so much love to you all
The Starlight Temple