Sun, 07 Jul
|Brighton and Hove
This is joyful service work for Gaia and her Light Tribe, which assists in our ascension process! Join your Star-Soul Family in a joy-ful reunion and receive the guidance that will help you to remember this part of your Path of Purpose and Light. The Time Is Now!

Time & Location
07 Jul 2024, 13:30 BST
Brighton and Hove, 40-42 Upper Gardner St, Brighton and Hove, Brighton BN1 4AN, UK
About the Event
Calling all who remember, deep in your blood, that you were part of the sacred bloodline of the Temples of Alorah in Lemuria. Some of you were priestesses - and some of you were assistants to the priestesses, working energetically in the temples by making and maintaining crystal grids whose purpose was to hold an extremely high frequency in the temple space. This was necessary because the new temple initiates were not yet advanced, and needed to be in a high frequency to move through their initiations successfully. And also because there was such a large difference between the frequency/wisdom of the temple priestesses and the general population at that time - a difference which could be perceived as a 100 to 1 percentile! So the temples maintained an open portal to the higher dimensions that was essential for the civilisation's evolution.
The Guardians of the Seed Codes of Lemuria were Pleiadian-Lemurians – the very ones who initiated the very first Mystery Schools on our planet during the birthing of the civilisation of Lemuria. Working with the Regeneration Codes in the sacred temples, they were able to live many thousands of years. Foreseeing what would become of both Lemuria and Atlantis, and when they were destined to rise and fall, they planned from thousands of years before the sinking of Lemuria to enter into the underground crystal cities of Telos.
There were some who chose to stay within the Earth body after Lemuria had fallen in order to hold the codes that would allow you - the Awakeners now on the planet - to activate the Seed Codes which hold the Wisdom Teachings of the Lemurian Mystery Schools.
You are requested to bring your Lemurian Record Holder Crystals and/or new selenite crystals bought for this purpose, into the sacred space we will create together. Following channelled guidance from the Guardians themselves through Solara An-Ra, we will activate an octahedron double-sided pyramid into being - an etheric Sacred Geometry that holds the Seed Codes of Lemuria. With the assistance of the Rainbow Grandmothers, Kahreela An-Ra will connect us with the Fairy Kings & Queens who are of the Dragonfly Fairy Tribe – small humanoid, fairy-like beings who exist in a specific higher dimensional frequency in the Inner Earth. They too are holding keys to the activation of the Lemurian Seed Codes in the birthing of the New Earth.
This is joyful service work for Gaia and her Light Tribe, which assists in our ascension process! Join your Star-Soul Family in a joy-ful reunion and receive the guidance that will help you to remember this part of your Path of Purpose and Light. Â The Time Is Now!