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Shadow Work Healing

An introduction to Shadow work and Alchemy Healing

1 h 30 min
222 British pounds

Service Description

This is a session for people wanting healing or insight into the blocks they are experiencing in life. Kahreela will give guidance and insight it what may be causing these blocks/problems and how you can ceremonially begin to release them. Channeled energy healing will be given as appropriate. This is a slower but more gentle way than Temple Alchemy of transcending your shadow wounds and blocks. It is great for people either starting out with Shadow work or those in need of support in integrating a big planet medicine healing, shadow journey or life change. Kahreela is an expert Alchemical Healer and Shadow Worker. Kahreela's work is fundamentally about self-empowerment, working a lot with Shadow so we can be our authentic self and truly understand who we are and deal with anything that blocks us or gets in our way (both on a 3d and 5d level). Shadow work often does assist this healing on a deep core level and is therefore transformed in a thorough and whole process. Alchemy is the process of nature, recycling old energy into new life. Our physical and energetic bodies are Alchemical, we hold the ability to recycle all that is not of service us into Prana energy. By consciously engaging the shadow through this process we can transform blocks and problems in our physical, mental, emotional and lived realities. Liberating stuck energy, sets us free from the past and fills us with life force energy so that we can manifest the life we want. It is one of the most effective and empowering forms of healing that Kahreela have ever witnessed in over ten years of working as a healer and channel. During the session Kahreela will be channeling guidance to help you get to the core of the block. Using Master Alchemist Energies and revolutionary techniques which awaken the silver light of Alchemy into your aura. Illuminating what you need to know, liberating what you need to let go of and rejuvenating what you need for your path.

Due to limited availability no cancellations are possible

All payments are final and non refundable

Contact Details


Brighton, UK

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