A Sweat and Sound Ceremony at the Beach Box -SOLD OUT
Sat, 01 Jan
|Brighton Beach Box
Upgrade your chakras so they become a vibrational match for your 2022 dreams!

Time & Location
01 Jan 2022, 14:30 – 23:00 GMT
Brighton Beach Box, 299 Madeira Dr, Brighton BN2 1EN, UK
About the Event
A Sweat, Sound and Chakra Upgrade Ceremony to Begin the YearUsing Sacred song and sound, Channelled transmissions and Sweet Heat, the Chakra and Physical body will release old limitation-vibrations and be recoded, upgraded and crystallined.
Kahreela (Starlight Temple) and Gratia (Brighton Kirtan) are collaborating in this rare and wonderful opportunity to begin the year brimming with light! This is a chance to start your year dreaming and becoming cosmically connected to that which you dream to be in 2022.
Spirit Says: “Using the medicines of Channelled Light Chamber Healing, Sound, Prayer, Sweat and Song. The chakras will be purified of the old-self-limitations so that the chakra body can be re-coded. This process will not only be felt - as the experience of becoming illuminated with your own self-love and confidence - but it will also Be seen! As the chakras are attuned to your greatest path potential this year, you will experience an increase in your light quota, through meditation and song you will connect to the inner vision of what is happening… which can only be described as a Be-jewelling, a becoming jewelled within the chakra system so that you shine brighter and live with more joy, more faith, more capability and possibility. It is a ceremony of ReCreating yourself - as you connect to the dream you will be reformulating your inner reality - so that you become the one that can create this dream in your outer reality.”
Begin this year by embodying that which you want.
This is a ceremony that connects you to the dream that your soul had for the year. Holding the visions that your higher self knows can happen for you. The medicines of Sweating, Singing and Channelled healing will mean you are attuned to these visions.
This is a day of becoming on the inside the vibrational match for these visions. And a ceremony of becoming the one that can make these dreams happen.
This is a dharma upgrade and a very sacred and special opportunity for those who want to begin the year infused with the vibrations of the new earth and being alive with their own confidence, capability and possibilities.
This is a beautiful, Multi-sensory, multi-dimensional opportunity to begin 2022 overflowing with dream energy
Spirit Says: *Opening on the beach: Intention Offering Ceremony - Connecting to Mother Earth and inviting her to dream with us!
*Bejeweling the Chakras in the Brighton Beach Box - Using sacred song and sound, channeled transmissions, and sweat heat the chakra and physical body will release old limitation-vibrations and be recoded, upgraded and crystallined.
*Prayer Fire Ceremony - during the sweat we will take in turns to hold prayers and make offerings to Grandfather Fire (the element of dreams) by holding prayer for each other we will be making sure this ceremony happens in the Miracle body of each person (when you need to cool down you hold prayer so the ceremony doesn't stop when you are outside).
*Soup, Rose Tea and Sharing Circle - Homemade soup and sharing circle after a silent walk to Jing!
*Self Massage and Channelled Guidance Integration Meditation to Close!
The price to join us for this incredible experience is £85
Limited to 11 places.
So much love and innocence to you all,
Kahreela and the Starlight Temple Tribe