Time & Location
18 Sept 2024, 10:00 – 02 Oct 2024, 10:00
About the Event
A unique online journey to reframe our personal mother wound story, so we can gently unblock the flow of preciousness in our lives. The river of preciousness is the love, abundance, and holding that Mother Earth offers us; the mother wound is the portal that opens and closes to this river.
Eclipse windows are incredibly potent times for transformation and shadow healing. The September 2024 eclipse window is especially significant because it is the last eclipse window before all five major planets change signs - an unprecedented astrological event that will change all of our lives! It is also the last time in our lifetimes that Pluto (the planet of shadow transformation) will be in Capricorn. It’s the end of the line for the patterns of our past.
The wound of the mother is the mother of all wounds. Like mother's love, it is the wound that keeps on giving. The mother wound is the primal wound, the deepest distortion of our consciousness, and the greatest block to our ability to receive love, abundance, and nourishment.
This workshop offers an entirely new cosmic framework for understanding our relationship with our mothers so that we can emerge out of the distortions and stories within our consciousness and into deeper connection with the Great Mother.
We will meet the mother wound through the placement in our mother’s natal chart of Chiron, the archetype of the wounded healer. Chiron’s position in our mother’s chart is a symbol of our mother’s core wound and is a guide to the unique medicine and healing gifts we receive from our mothers when the wound is transformed. We then look to the placement of the Sun in our mother’s chart as a symbol of her core power, one that reveals our unique pathway of connection to the Great Mother.
This is a journey of alchemical healing and cosmic reframing, so that you can discover the hidden portal within the wound that connects you back to Gaia. In a light-filled experiential field, using experiential astrology and beautiful channeled technologies, we will journey to both the depths and higher perspectives of the story, releasing and re-coding the layers we have been operating from until the mother wound overflows with true power and floods with love.
Outline of the Course Sessions:
1) Entering the Field
2) Alchemy healing for the old Mother Wound Story
3) Meeting Your Mother’s Chiron Wound - A Compassion Healing Journey
4) Mother's Sun - Understanding your Mother’s power through her Sun sign
5) Mother's Sun as Medicine - Channeled journey to weave your mother's sun power back into your system, so you can use it for deeper connect and connection to Gaia. Deep in the Heart of the Earth we open up to Creational Love.
6) Labyrinth and Star Codes Journey - Bathing the DNA in Star Mother Creational love Codes
7) Leaving the Field and Integration
Each session facilitates a sacred opening of an internal portal that allows the magic of Gaia to fully and freely flow through us. The time is now to receive and overflow with Gaia’s creational love, making our lives even more beautiful.
This Course is for anyone who wants to deepen the connection to Mother Earth and become better at creating. Creating is manifesting out of love.
It is for everyone no matter what story or relationship you have with your mother, whether she is alive or not, whether you knew her or not.
It is for everyone no matter what your level of astrological understanding is. If you do not know your mother’s date of birth then guidance will be given for connecting through the Mystery and Unknown.If you do not know her date of birth then guidance will be given for connecting to the wound through the unknown archetype.