For information about how the courses are held see starlight-temple/courses

Rise Of The Divine
A Course to Awaken Your Inner Goddess
8th March - 7th July
"Womb-man, you are wildly beautiful when you let yourself be all that you were meant to be.. the endless hues of you -sing songs made from ancient words. They are wrinkled, vulnerable, silent, mystical, tantric and mighty... if you listen they will tell you the way... the songs of your femininity will be the march and melody that you will rise with and too...."
The Divine Feminine is calling to her priestesses, as she rises opened armed. She is ready to dance naked for the stories that she has worn no longer fit.
Her womb is swelling with her ancient power that she is now remembering. She walks through temples of the land, summoning more of herself with every step. She walks beyond the ruins of archetypes which crumble in the heat of who she can be. Her cycle is the Moon, her sacred blood is Lava, her eyes sparkle with the stars for she is the Earth and her call is to you, she says:
“My priestess, it is time for you to remember too, for your womb to swell with wild power, it is time to live by sacred rituals, it is time for you to journey through the aspects of the Goddess - known and unknown, light and shadow until all the myths have crumbled. Then you to can dance naked with your truth - shining for all to see. It is time to cycle with the moon through the sacred spiral points of the womb and it is time to rise open-armed into your divinity — into all that you can be”.
For those of you that are called to take the plunge into the deep feminine revolution, it is a really a divine time to do so. It is a time a letting go of the Masculine way of planning and dancing into the feminine way of knowing. It is a time to make choices from the heart and womb and instead of choices from the mind and the past.

It warms my heart to know that during this time of ultimate surrender there will be women held by the energy Rise of the Divine course. Those women will be carried into this time of surrender, in the arms of the many magnificent goddesses that over-light this course. They will sit in a circle with their female ancestors, becoming versed in the ancient ways of the feminine. Their lives will weave through the ceremonial journey of the course so that the inside and the outside expressions of their changing truths can sing in harmony. The mysteries of their pain will unravel. The stories of the past will be shed, like falling leaves, for this is a journey of letting go. These women, in this leap of faith time, will let go of the women that they were taught to be, the women they should be. They will grieve their history, speak intimately with their forgotten bodies, walking naked into the phenomenal landscapes of their souls. They will transcend time and meet themselves again and again and again until they have joined the dots, of the star scriptures of their destiny. They will remember the rawness of their power and the sacredness of their love. The will take this leap, speaking the poetry of their spirits, using it a call, a cry to their wholeness.
This online course is a raw, wild, sensual and intimate revolution of the feminine-self.
In this six part Luna journey through the six aspects of the Feminine, exploring the light and shadow, the myths and truths of these aspects so that we can discover how they are expressed within our lives and liberate ourselves from that which no longer serves us.
This journey uses Goddess Energy healing, soul landscaping, and dimensional channeling to take you to the core of your divine feminine story and help you release, heal, ignite, and emerge into more of your destiny.

What you get...
Initation webinar - to introduce you to the energetic journey of the course
You will spend two weeks in the energy of each aspect, you will receive soul landscaping webinars-
These 12 webinars will be a soul landscaping journey through the light and shadow, truths and myths of the 6 Aspects of the Goddess:
Maiden- Maiden-discover the freedom and inner beauty of your maiden heart
Mother - discover the abundance of your breasts and vastness of the mother self
Grandmother - Find the ancient portal wisdom of your womb
Magdalena - liberate your sexual stories and find the tantric truths
Midnight Goddess - Remember your power as you unlock your third eye
The Warrior- Come into the guardianship and strength of your own center
Every aspect you will also receive:
Goddess messages from a different goddess and channeled embodiment meditation.
A sacred - Goddess Ceremony to help you to journey deeper with your self.
A Live Tantric Priestess Activation
Q and A Alchemy healings on Collective Blocks
One to one channeled guidance sessions with Kahreela (15mins per week)
One to one channeled Spaceholder Support
There will be an online sacred temple private space for sharing and support.
Between the 5th and 6th aspect, there is a Luna integration process that takes a moon cycle. During this time there are extra ceremonies to connect to your cycle power:
A Women's New Moon Ritual
A sacred blood Inner Priestess ceremony
And NEW TO THIS YEAR; Four - Manifesting through the Seasons of your Cycle Meditations which can be done whether you bleed or not plus Four -Understanding your cycle season teachings.
For the duration of the course, you will be held within the over-lighting energy of the course. Much of the healing work happens on an energetic and soul level as you experience the magic of circle synchronicity.
The most important part of this journey is the energy you are held, you are surrounded by the supporting Goddesses who weave the healing through the experiences of your life so that you can fully awaken into living your goddess truth. This time we have been guided to let this journey breath into divine feminine timing, giving space for each aspect to arrive an integrate fully so this process will take place from 8th of May to Early June.... it is designed for you to be able to do it within your own time and as part of a busy life!
In the arms of many goddesses, we will journey with the six aspects of our goddess selves to create flow and transformation in our lives. There is will be shadow, womb and yoni healing as this journey is about breaking through collective persecution of the feminine archetypes and letting go of the past to discover the wisdom of our wombs and beauty of ourselves.
This is a Starlight yin journey of Unfoldment and Listening. When we hear the truth of who we are we unleash the grace and power of the divine within and embody our inner-goddess.

This course is open to women or people who identify as women only and is priced at £688
Please note spaces are limited due to one to one and Spaceholder support
Testimonials from previous Rise of the Divine Course Participants
“This course has led to so many insights and shifts in perspective for me already. It was deep work but we were strongly supported. I felt firmly held at all times. I can honestly say that I have not ventured this deep into my shadow soulscape before and it was only possible because of the sacred space, empowering guidance, compassion and incredible 1-2-1 support provided to us.”
Puja Rise of Divine2019
"I had tears rolling down my face, tears of joy, tears of release, of deep gratitude, connectedness, of pure love.
It really brought it home what an epic journey this has been [and still is!] beyond anything I could have imagined. Each aspect has involved such a deep exploration & unfoldment and has felt so deeply intertwined with all aspects of life."
Rise of the Divine 2017
"There really aren't the words to explain how amazing the Starlight Meditation courses are. If I could, I would share the feelings with you because that's what these courses do - evoke, prod, stir, and delve into deeply held feelings while giving you breakthroughs, and allowing you to smash barriers and old belief systems that hold you back.
Tried many meditations before? All the same? Can't sit still through the long ones? Me too. But these courses and meditations are not like others. There are almost no rules and movement can be very much part of the process. The most incredible part is that Katy may take you through the meditations, but you make the breakthroughs and you learn what is relevant to your life and your situations.
I've happily paid for three courses over the past year. Before starting the first course, prolonged illness had made me hermit-like and too scared to move forwards. Now, I'm back to my lioness self, standing proud and full of joy. Even better, I learned to ask my fears what they were about, and confronting them directly made them dissipate almost instantly. Oh, and along the way I learned how to truly love and respect myself.
I've recommended Starlight to several friends, and I recommend them to whomever is reading this now. Put in the work by doing these courses and meditations. You may cry, and you may feel the hurt of old wounds coming up, but the healing, love, and joy at the end is worth every tear."
Edwina Rise of the Divine (amongst others) 2017
To secure your place
£688 - Full price

£230 - Pay in three instalments