MARCH 21st - june 21st 2024
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This Spring, join us for this profound opportunity to discover yourself within the Rituals of the Body, so that you can truly embody self-care. Lovingly learn to use the Rituals to Align, Manifest and Recreate your reality.
This Equinox-to-Solstice BODYLOVE: Ascend journey goes beyond a healing journey and goes into manifestation.
The guidance and tools will be focused on changing your life-force levels to fulfill more of your potential. The ascend journey is one of be-holding, liberating, celebrating and nourishing your dreams into manifesting through your body.
Every BODYLOVE journey is an invitation to embark on a transformative journey of self-love that goes beyond the surface level into stripped-back, raw, honest, real self-care.
Your inner work and energetic practices, manifestations, shadow work, spiritual integrity and dreams can only fully integrate and show up when you meet and change the habits, separation consciousness and stories of the past that still exist in the way you treat your BODY.
Many of us, are wonderful at the version of self-care that is retreats, bath bombs, yoga classes and affirmation practices.
BODYLOVE looks at self-care through the every day rituals of eating, sleeping, resting and beauty.
How do we speak to ourselves when we eat, rest, dress, and exercise? What unconscious patterns and habits do we operate from in these areas? Do we approach these activities with awareness, respect and authentic love?
Every BODYLOVE journey is bespoke to the people called to it.
Every BODYLOVE journey does what it says on the tin.
This journey is called ascend.
To ascend means to live a life that is more aligned
with who you truly are.
Living with greater authenticity and possibility.
Manifesting reality, reflections of authentic self choices,
great truths and higher life-force levels within the self.
This sacred process is for those who feel ready to live next level self-love.
Together we will shift and transform the DAILY habits and patterns that are in the way of us embodying our higher self-love.
This journey is deeply personal, the reflections and the insights will be different for everyone and spirit says everyone can evolve and recreate realities by meeting themselves within the following areas:
REST is acceptance. The way we rest is the way we allow our true selves to be.
EXERCISE is faith. How we exercise mirrors how much we believe in ourselves, capabilities and future.
BEAUTY is about how you hold. True beauty is comes from holding life-force and its power to manifest inside of you
FOOD is your relationship with more. How you eat is how you receive more on all levels.
These subjects are vast, our bodies carry the map of our entire life and DNA story. There is huge amount to uncover and harness in each one. The rituals of the body are happening in your habitual consciousness - the place where all the parts of your light and shadow meet. There is so much to reveal, rewire, rewrite and renew that BODYLOVE takes time…

BODYLOVE: Ascend is a chance to spend 21 days with each ritual, so you can meet, heal, reveal and reclaim the many layers and facets within each one.
This is a journey of becoming more consistent, more aligned and more loving through your everyday.
Because what you repeat matters.
The BODYLOVE: ascend program includes:
*Weekly live, in the field guidance call-out Q&A sessions, to help you uncover what needs to be released and shift the patterns for new manifestations.
*Entering the Field Transmission for each of the four rituals.
*Four Forces of Body Love meditations to deepen your love for the rituals.
*Four live archetype healing into new manifestation journeys to create belief system change.
*The BODYLOVE Embodiment Meditation to anchor your journey.
*Four BODYLOVE Alchemy Light Chamber Transmissions for deep shadow wound transformation.
*SELF CELEBRATION Manifesting through the Rituals Practises and Lessons.
*Weekly space holder support to provide guidance and assistance throughout the process.
*A journal question to document your reflections and progress.
*Community times to connect with each other.
*Sacred temple space for being witnessed in your inner exploration.
*Integration guidance to ensure the insights and changes are integrated fully.
*Closing ceremony to honour your journey and celebrate your growth.
There will also be channeled guidance on embodiment, cellular radiance, vibrational voice affirmation and instruction on how to hold who you are now, so that more self-love can manifest as a life you love. Anchoring into ourselves, into new affirmations, choices and actions.
Living JOY-fully, CARE-fully, LOVE-fully and SELF-fully within the body.
BODYLOVE is how we embody the NEW EARTH.
This process is an incredibly powerful journey for anyone who is struggling to integrate or feeling a gap between the spiritual and physical realities
Spirit Says:
“Many people are experiencing incredible love and freedom in their spiritual, energetic realities and imbalance and restriction in their manifest reality. For those of you that are experiencing this struggle to integrate, the invitation is to look at where this integration is being stopped because the habits of the body are still holding the old paradigm. The vibration of your cells and the choices you are making are still patterned with who you were. This journey is a chance to recalibrate and raise the vibration of your body cells so that you can glow with who you are now”
The TIME IS NOW to raise your everyday vibration, so you radiate with the ways of the new Earth.
Tuning in there are so many guides that want to assist us this process especially the Star mothers, Ascended Masters and Mother Gaia who is lovingly overlighting this process.
So much love to you all,
Kahreela and the Starlight Temple